Smart Residential

Smart Residential

Leading the Growth of Smarter Living Spaces Worldwide

Comprehensively managed and connected IoT-based smart residential solutions with our specialized range of hardware and security.

Why Smart Residential?

Enabling property managers to increase operating income, streamline operations, gain effieciency and distinguish properties with smart features for more resident appeal.

Access Control

Delivering control systems to managers of their properties, residents, and staff through a range of access devices.

Asset Protection

Setup a wide range of smart devices to enable preventative maintenance and property longevity by adding layers of security.

Smart Apartment

Drive up property value with the smart amenities to increase resident satisfaction and secure long-term retention.

Smart Community

Bring residents and managers closer and generate new revenue streams through cross community commerce.

Secure Every Door

Access Control offers you secure property management for tenants, staff and visitors from the front door to the gym - all from your own customized web portal and app.

Protect Your Community

Protect your tenants and property through a wide range of connected IoT devices and ensure property longevity.

Market Dominating Smart Homes

It gets ahead of the competition and offers future proof home solutions to prospective residents to drive up operating income.

“Smart Home Devices Can Increase Rental Fees for Multi-family Housing by 5%, up to 30%.” (Parks Associates, Inc.)

Residential Interconnectivity

Smart Community bridges the gap between residents and management through the App, which will allow residents to manage their homes and community experiences all in one place.
